A u t h o r s h i p & i n t e r a c t i o n
final Project
Arduino is an open source platform the physical boards are found in computers and are considered as the brain of the computer. The use of arduino boards help to combine the physical world and the virtual world by creating experiences.To use a Ardunio board you download a code onto the board,when a "input" is activated the arduino picks it up and produces the "output" this could be for example a sensor that opens a door.
Input =
Sensors like touch,button, switch, potentiometer or movement
Output =
muscle-wire, electromagnets,
relays, pumps,lasers, buzzers or hydraulics
input - output

virtual - physical
Examples =
Automatic lights,oyster cards,xbox kinect,automatic doors,clap on lights,heat detectors
For the purposes of the workshop we used a Arduino uno ,we was given wires,led lights,accelerometer, breadboard,motor and resistors
As Ardunio is an open source software you can download codes from online that you can just copy and paste into the code section. This particular code makes the light go on and off. Another experiment we did was use a multicolored light and and we coded it to flash different colours at different times.
Are task was to make the light flash and then flash faster and slower.
We did this through the guidance of Spark fun from red board,a programming website in association with arduino.
|| Workshop ||
What is Arduino?
The popinator is a voice controlled system that shots popcorn in your exact direction. The aurduino in the machine is programmed to shoot at the exact angle when the word "pop" is said.
The use of arduino allows the machine to calculate using voice activated sensors where the person in the room is.
this is an extremely cleaver way of using sensors and coding
The Popinator-
Different examples of arduino being used in various situations
Product Design -
Advertising -
Matrix wall -
Created for Hyundai cars was a wall structure that was had layers and layers of bricks on a frame.The bricks there connected to motors that was connected to a arduino thats coded sequences for the motors to push the brick back and forth. This has Created a epic show piece that works really works well with a working code sequence.
Art demonstrations -
David Bowen created a art piece that moved on the motion of waves in the sea. Using a arduino he captured the sensors of a wave and took the coding and applied it to an arduino. The coding sends signals to the motors which have string attracted,the coding says when the motors should move up and down.this system creates the motion of waves.
David Bowen
Tele-presents water
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